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    High-NA EUV 結果共3筆

  • 台積電總裁密訪ASML 疑A16晶片考慮用High-NA EUV

    台積電此前表示,半導體設備製造商艾司摩爾(ASML)的高數值孔徑極紫外光機台(High-NA EUV)太過昂貴,2026年前使用不符合經濟效益。然而外媒報導,台積電總裁魏哲家(C.C. Wei)26日秘密前往荷蘭拜訪ASML總部,讓外界猜測台積電可能改變心意。
    2024/05/29 10:12
  • 英特爾斥巨資拿下「ASML最新機台」!台積電沒動作曝:太貴

    半導體巨擘英特爾拿下艾司摩爾(ASML)首台最新型「High-NA EUV」訂單,成為這款高數值孔徑極紫外光微影系統的買家。然而,競爭對手台積電仍沒有動作。台積電高層表示,台積電A16先進製程節點不一定需要這部機器,原因竟是價格「太貴了」。
    2024/05/15 11:15
  • TSMC unveils A14 tech, eyes 1.4nm node production

    TSMC, the Taiwanese semiconductor manufacturing company, announced progress in the development of its 1.4nm-class technology node, A14, during the IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting. The company plans to begin volume production of its 2nm process chips, N2, in 2025, with the N2P process expected to reach mass production by the end of 2026. Market analysts predict that TSMC’s A14 process could debut between 2027 and 2028. While TSMC is also developing cutting-edge technologies like CFETs to boost chip performance and energy efficiency, the initial A14 process is expected to use GAAFETs technology. The use of High-NA EUV lithography technology in TSMC’s future processes, including the A14 process, remains unconfirmed. Other industry players like Intel are also adopting next-generation EUV technology with a numerical aperture of 0.55.
    2023/12/15 17:24
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